Stay in Control,
Stay Connected

Monitoring Made simple


Welcome to LinQontrol, the cutting-edge device that empowers ship owners and operators with unparalleled insights into their vessel’s communication data.

Say goodbye to the days of sifting through countless logs and reports to understand your ship’s communication activities. With LinQontrol, you can effortlessly monitor and visualize all onboard communication data through a sleek and intuitive dashboard, revolutionizing the way you manage your vessel’s connectivity.

Starlink Compatible

LinQontrol combines advanced technology and user-friendly design to offer a comprehensive communication monitoring solution. Our device is particularly well-suited for Starlink monitoring and control, seamlessly integrating with your ship’s communication systems. 

LinQontrol collects and analyzes data from various sources, including satellite connections, communication and data networks. By consolidating this wealth of information into a single, easy-to-understand dashboard, LinQontrol provides a centralized hub for all your communication needs.

Seamlessly Connecting All Ships, Big and Small

Monitoring Interface

With our user-friendly interface accessible across all devices, managing your ship’s connectivity has never been easier. Whether you’re on the go with your smartphone, in the office on your laptop, or on board with a tablet, LinQontrol adapts effortlessly to your device. This flexibility ensures you have real-time access to vital connectivity information without any hassle.

LinQontrol offers advanced application filtering capabilities, giving you the power to manage and customize your ship’s data usage like never before. Say hello to the future of ship communication management with LinQontrol.

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